Who I am.

Voice Actor. Graphic Designer. Unrepentant Geek.

Why I do what I do:

I’m a collector of hobbies, passions and interests, continually coddiwompling towards whatever makes my inner child squirm with delight. Over time, I’ve managed to accumulate a dragon’s hoard of eccentricities, knowledge nuggets, and skills that have minimal relevance in the average desk job.

Well, I’ve got one of those too. My desk job is great, but that can’t be my only venture. “Soulless husk” isn’t a good look for me. Still, I balance the self-preservation of my inner child with my desire to keep a roof over my head. It’s all about balance at the end of the day!

When working on voiceover or graphic design projects, I get to add more to my collection. More knowledge, more stories, more connections, and more perspectives. And that, my friends, is what keeps me coming back for more!

What I stand for.

Passion and integrity drive me, and I hold authenticity and empathy as some of my core values. While I’m (very) far from perfect, I continually seek to strengthen my emotional intelligence and pursue self improvement, especially when its uncomfortable.

At my full-time job, I’m a proud member of the Diversity & Inclusion Council and I strive to be a better advocate on and off the clock. I also believe in continuous learning. Without growth is stagnation, and that serves no one!

Where am I going with all of this? you may be wondering. Well, I’m pretty curious to find out as well! Needless to say, I’m certainly hope to find myself aligning with projects and other creators that share similar ideals and create something memorable, impactful and amazing!